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Nicki Minaj Workout Routine and Diet Plan

Nicki Minaj is an American (born in Trinidad and Tobago) rapper and singer, who learned singing from LaGuardia High School. She is now world famous, not only for her songs but for her pear shaped figure as well. You can see Nicki Minaj’s Statistics here.

Nicki Minaj’s pear shaped figure is somewhat genetic but most of the credit must go to her hard work, that is, her workout routine. She is best known for her broad butt and large thighs and she has thin waist. Nicki’s most of the weight is located in her butt. This is what most of the women wants. So, let us see how she maintains her sexy, curvy look besides her famous singing.

Nicki Minaj Workout Routine

Besides singing, Nicki dances as well which is a nice workout and helps her to keep her thigh and butt muscles strong. Dance has always been a good cardio workout if done regularly. Nicki does a 30 minute workout on Elliptical Trainer.

Though Nicki’s exact workout routine is not known, so, here is an expected set of exercises which will focus on your every body part and thus will take your body’s looks closer to that of Nicki. Start with HIIT session from Monday to Friday by alternating each day. For your ease, an exercise chart is provided.


On these days, do a Circuit Training with 3 circuits.

  • Lunges – 25 reps on each leg
  • Chair Squats – 25 reps

  • Calf Raise – 25 reps. Do it on both the legs, if you are a beginner. See this video to know the exact method of performing this exercise yourself.

  • Chair Dips – 25 reps
  • Burpee / Squat Thrust – 25 reps
  • Planks – Hold it for 1 minute

  • Mountain Climbers – Do it for at least 1 minute

Perform all the above listed exercises as a circuit which will take around 1 hour or less. Do the 3 circuits and have at most 3 minute rest in between the circuits. These exercises are for persons having moderate strength. Beginners may need to lower the repetitions of the exercises and increase the rest in between the circuits.


These two days are dedicated to cardiovascular exercise called running. Nicki Minaj has said that she does a 30 minute workout on Elliptical Trainer.

Cardio is a great way to lose fat, build muscle and attain a good body posture. Here it is –

  • Firstly, do a slow running for about 5-10 minutes. This is for body warm up.
  • Then, run with a maximum effort for 1 minute.
  • Then, slow down and keep running for another 5 minutes.
  • Repeat the above 2 steps 4-5 times.
  • Finally, cool down your body by resting for 5 minutes.

Running is the best cardio exercise for getting body in shape. As you just need a pair of good quality shoes and can be done anytime-anywhere. Other exercises include cross-country skiing, bicycling, etc.



Nicki Minaj Diet Plan

Nicki has never revealed much information about her diet plan. But in an interview given to Allure magazine in April 2012, she said that she takes low sugar and low starch diet if she wants to shed some fat. She must be eating fruits and vegetables. You can follow a sample diet plan like this to have Nicki’s body.


  • Chopped carrots
  • Capsicum
  • Celery
  • Fruits
  • 1 mug Green Tea


  • Prunes
  • Sandwich made with 2 slices of  grain bread, 3 slices of avocado, spinach, corn, tomato.
  • Juices

Evening Snacks

  • Almonds
  • Skimmed milk


  • Veggies (low starch)
  • Lemon Juice
  • Green Salad
