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CM Punk Cuts a Wrestling Promo (Video), Updated Ring of Honor Best in the World PPV Card, Undertaker

Updated Ring of Honor Best in the World PPV Card

ring of honorRing of Honor will be presenting this year’s Best in the World PPV Terminal 5 in NYC on Friday, June 19th, and the following is the updated match card:

-ROH champion Jay Briscoe vs. ROH Television champion Jay Lethal with Truth Martini.

-ROH Tag Team champions The Addiction vs. reDRagon – No DQ.

-Roderick Strong vs. Moose vs. Michael Elgin to determine the top contender to ROH title.

-The Kingdom’s Adam Cole & Michael Bennett & Matt Taven with Maria Kanellis vs. The Bullet Club’s AJ Styles & Young Bucks.

-Donovan Dijak with Truth Martini vs. Mark Briscoe.

-Silas Young vs. Dalton Castle.

For more, visit

Undertaker & Sting at Comic Con

In addition to Daniel Bryan, Paige and Randy Orton, The Undertaker and Sting are now scheduled to appear at the 8/22 Wizard World Comic Con in Chicago. You can get more information at this link.

CM Punk Cuts a Wrestling Promo

In the latest edition of Colt Cabana’s “Cut My Promo” show, Cabana and guest CM Punk each cut promos on British Rishi Ghosh and Lord Gideon Grey. You can check out Cabana and Punk’s promos in the video player below, and Ghosh and Grey’s promos at this link:
