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Lily James Cant Stop Sharing Pictures Wearing Her Favorite Sheer Dress

Even though we aren’t catching her on big or small screens at this time, followers of Lily James’ Instagram accounts are seeing plenty of the actress who’s been sharing glam photos like it’s her job.

By Britta DeVore | Published 2 years ago

There are some things we’ll never get over. Our first crush or the one that got away, the shot we didn’t take or the career we didn’t chase after, the ending of the glorious 15 seasons that were Supernatural, but for Lily James, it’s something different. For the English-born actress, that something is a stunning Versace dress that she wants to relive over and over again. After serving various looks in the piece of clothing at the Met Gala and then all over her Instagram, James has dropped yet another peek for fans to drop their jaws over. 

In an eight photo series (you read that right, eight photos), James flaunts her incredible attire while she walks the red carpet and hits stances for the flashing cameras of the paparazzi. The sheer greyish-silver dress seems to be made specifically for Lily James with its beaded adornments clinging to and hanging off the sides. Speaking of the sides, there are none as the dress is a cut out, with James’ core and legs keeping cool in the breeze as she struts the red carpet. No dress is complete without a full look and James nailed that one too. Hair slicked back and perfectly coiffed, it seems to further compliment the sleekness of the designer garment. Polishing it all off are killer heels, a terrific makeup palette, and giant dangling diamond earrings that would typically take the eye off the dress, if only it wasn’t a Versace. See Lily James post in the many pictures below.

In her Instagram post, Lily James gives a shout out to Donatella Versace, the fashion brand’s chief creative officer and sister of original founder, Gianni Versace. Tagging both the company and Donatella in her post, she leaves a heart next to Donatella’s name, sending her thanks once again for such an incredible look. Her caption further drives the point home (as if several pictures and posts didn’t) when the entertainer reiterates that she is “Still not over this dress.” Fans and peers flocked to the comment section to share their praise of James serving it up in her new gown, including celebrity makeup artist, Valeria Ferreira, who painted James’ face for her big night out. 

At just 33, Lily James has had quite a long-running career in television and film. Initially gaining steam for her role in fan favorite period piece Downton Abbey, James would land a role as the titular character in 2015’s Cinderella which would launch her into the sphere of film. Other notable pieces include Baby Driver, Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, Yesterday, and, most recently, Pam & Tommy. While she hasn’t announced her next project, with the success following James, we’re sure it’s going to be something huge.

Even though we aren’t catching her on big or small screens at this time, followers of Lily James’ Instagram accounts are seeing plenty of the actress who’s been sharing glam photos like it’s her job. And even though it’s expected for her to pick up more roles, why not just enjoy being invited to the red carpet walks and the flashes of cameras when you can? And all of that goes double when you’re given the opportunity to not only don a Versace dress, but also wear it like it was made for you.
